רשימת פירסומים של פרופ' מוטי שוחט
מתוך Genopedia - פרופ' מוטי שוחט
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Updated AUG 2, 2020 1. M. Aladgen, M. Shohat, S. Orda, H. Boichis. Enhanced renal tubular calcium reabsorption independent of parathormone activity in children on long term anticonvulsant therapy. Acta Pediatr Scand 69:311-313, 1980. 2. M. Shohat, P. Merlob, S.H. Reisner. Neonatal polycythemia Pediatrics 70:155-156, 1982. 3. M. Shohat, W. Wilunsky, S.H. Reisner. Hyperammonemia in newborn infants. Harefuah 102:158-162, 1982. 4. M. Shohat, P. Merlob, A. Metkzer, S.H. Reisner. Transient neonatal pustulosis. Harefuah 102:395-397, 1982. 5. G. Zajicek, M. Shohat. On the classification of nucleated red blood cells. Comp Biomed Res 16:553-559, 1983. 6. M. Shohat, S.H. Reisner, R. Krikler, et al. Retinopathy of prematurity: Incidence and risk factors. Pediatrics 72:159-163, 1983.* *abstracted and published in the Yearbook of Anesthesia, 1984, p. 318. 7. G. Zajicek, M. Shohat. Image analysis of nucleated red blood cells. Comp Biomed Res 16:347-356, 1983. 8. M. Shohat, G. Alpert, S.H. Reisner, et al. Transillumination of the abdomen in necrotizing enterocolitis. Harefuah 105:65-67, 1983. 9. M. Shohat, P. Merlob, S.H. Reisner. Neonatal polycythemia: I. Early diagnosis and incidence relating to time of sampling. Pediatrics 73:7-10, 1984.** **abstracted and published in the Yearbook of Pediatrics, 1985, p.26 10. M. Shohat, F. Mimouni, P. Merlob, S.H. Reisner. Neonatal polycythemia: II. Definition related to time of sampling. Pediatrics 73:11-13, 1984. 11. M. Shohat, E. Wielunsky, S.H. Reisner. Plasma ammonia levels during parenteral nutrition with crystalline amino acids. J Parent Ent Nutr 8:178-180, 1984. 12. G. Zajicek, M. Shohat, A. Polliack. On the maturation rate of the neutrophile. The Anatomical Record 209:85-94, 1984. 13. G. Alpert, M. Shohat, S.H. Reisner, Y.L. Danon. Osmotic fragility of erythrocytes in newborn infants treated by phototherapy. Acta Pediatr Scand 73:254-257, 1984. 14. M. Shohat, I. Nissenkorn, D. Orpaz, S.H. Reisner. Retinopathy of prematurity – updated. Harefuah 106:170-174, 1984. 15. M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi. Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, pp.1-720, 1985. 16. S.H. Reisner, J. Amir, M. Shohat, et al. Retinopathy of prematurity: Incidence and treatment. Arch Dis Child 60:698-701, 1985. 17. M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi. Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, Second and updated edition, 1986, pp. 1-720. 18. M. Shohat, M. Mimouni, A. Shuper, I. Varsano. Adrenocortical suppression by topical application of glucocorticosteroids in infants with seborrheic dermatitis. Clinical Pediatrics 25::209-211, 1986.*** ***Selected for abstracting and publication in the International Synopses - 1986. 19. F. Mimouni, M. Shohat, S.H. Reisner. Donor blood G6PD deficient – A cause for hemolysis in 2 preterm infants. Isr J Med Sci 22:120-122, 1986. 20. I. Ben-Sira, I. Nissenkorn, D. Weinberger, M. Shohat. Long-term results of cryotherapy for active stages of retinopathy of prematurity. Ophthalmology 93(11):1423-1428, 1986. 21. M. Shohat. Adrenocortical suppression by topical glucocorticosteroids. Pediatr Digest 8:28-30, 1986. 22. M. Shohat, M. Nitzan. Gastrointestinal blood loss following cow’s milk feeding in infancy. Harefuah 110:268-270, 1986. 23. M. Shohat, M. Nitzan. Infantile overweight and obesity – recent advances. Harefuah 110;312-313, 1986. 24. M. Druker, L. Lazar, M. Shohat, L. Giladi. Case Report: First detection of cryptosporidum infection in Israel (letter). Isr J Med Sci 22:151, 1986. 25. M. Shohat, T. Shohat, R. Kedem, M. Mimouni, Y.L. Danon. Childhood asthma and growth outcome. Arch Dis Child 62:63-65, 1987. 26. M. Shohat, M. Mimouni, I. Varsano. Efficacy of topical application of glucocorticosteroids as compared to eosin in infants with seborrheic dermatitis. Cutis 40(1):67-68, 1987. 27. G. Kohn, M. Shohat. Trisomy 18 mosaicism in an adult with normal intelligence. Am J Med Genet 26(4):929-931, 1987. 28. M. Shohat, M. Nitzan. Lactic acidosis. Harefuah 113(9):251-253, 1987. 29. M. Shohat, Z. Goodman, H. Rogovin, M. Nitzan. The effect of lumbar procedure on blood glucose level and leukocyte count in infants.* Clinical Pediatrics 26(a):477-479, 1987. *Published also in Pediatric Year Book, 1988. 30. M. Shohat. Genetics, diagnosis, management and prognosis of asthma in children. Comprehensive Therapy 13(10):7-13, 1987. 31. M. Shohat, T. Shohat, M. Nitzan, M. Mimouni, R. Kedem, Y.L. Danon. Growth and ethnicity in scoliosis. Acta Orthop Scand 59(3):310-313, 1987. 32. M. Shohat. Preterm blood counts vary with sampling site. Arch Dis Child 62(11):1198-1199, 1987. 33. A. Shuper, M. Shohat, M. Mimouni, H. Sarnat, I. Varsano. Deciduous tooth eruption in children who failed to thrive. Helv Pediatr Acta 41(6):501-504, 1987. 34. L. Randolph, M. Shohat, D.L. Rimoin. Achondroplasia with ankylosing spondylitis. Am J Med Genet 31(1):117-121, 1987. 35. M. Shohat. Application of recombinant DNA technology to detection of inherited defects. Harefuah 114(10):499-502, 1988. 36. T. Sagie, M. Shohat, M. Nitzan. CSF glucose levels in febrile infants Eur J Pediatr 147:416-417, 1988. 37. M. Shohat, T. Lerman-Sagie, Y. Levy, M. Nitzan. Cerebrospinal fluid findings in infants with non-polio enteroviral meningitis. Isr J Med Sci 24(4-5):233-236, 1988. 38. M. Shohat, T. Shoenfeld, R. Zaizov, I.J. Cohen, M. Nitzan. Determination of blood gases in children with extreme leukocytosis. Crit Care Med 16(8):787-788, 1988. 39. L. Jaber, M. Shohat, M. Mimouni. Infectious episodes following Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis vaccination. Clinical Pediatrics 27(10):491-494, 1988. 40. M. Shohat, R. Lachman, D.L. Rimoin. Odontoid hypoplasia with vertebral cervical subluxation and ventriculomegaly in metatropic dysplasia. J Pediatrics 114(2):239-243, 1988. 41. P.L. Robinson, M. Shohat, R.M. Winter, W.J. Conte, D.J. Nesbitt, M. Feingold, Z. Laron, D.L. Rimoin. The Floating Harbor Syndrome: A unique association of short stature, dysmorphic features and speech impairment. J Pediatrics 113(4):703-706, 1988. 42. S.R. Cobb, M. Shohat, C.M. Mehringer, R. Lachman. Computed tomography of the temporal bone in achondroplasia. Am J Neuroradiol 9(6):1195-1199, 1988. 43. M. Shohat, I. Varsano, S. Ashkenazi, M. Mimouni. Experience and training as factor in physician performance in a pediatric emergency room. Isr J Med Sci 25:305-309, 1989. 44. M. Shohat, R. Lachman, H. Gruber, D.L. Rimoin. Brachyolmia (spondylodysplasia): Clinical, radiographic and genetic evidence of heterogeneity. Am J Med Genet 33:209-219, 1989. 45. M. Shohat, T. Shohat, M. Mimouni, M. Nitzan, Y.L. Danon. Hypertension in Israeli adolescents – prevalence according to weight, sex and parents’ origin. Am J Public Health 79:582-585, 1989. 46. H.J. Stern, R.D. Clark, A.J. Stroberg, M. Shohat. Autosomal dominant transmission of isolated congenital vertical talus. Clinical Genetics 36:427-430, 1989. 47. D.B. Rogers, M. Shohat, G.M. Petersen, J. Bickal, J.Congleton, A.D. Schwabe, J.I. Rotter. Familial Mediterranean fever in Armenians: Autosomal recessive inheritance with high gene frequency. Am J Med Genet 34:168-172, 1989. 48. M. Shohat, J.R. Korenberg, A.D. Schwabe, J.I. Rotter. Familial Mediterranean fever – a genetic disorder of the lipocortin family? Am J Med Genet 34:163-167, 1989. 49. M. Shohat, I. Levy, Y. Levy, M. Nitzan. Case Report: Nutritional complication in an infant fed exclusively on homemade sesame seed emulsion. J Am Coll Nutr 1989, 8(1). 50. I. Levy, M. Shohat, Y. Levy, M. Nitzan. Recurrent ascites associated with perinatal cytomegalovirus infection. Eur J Pediatr 148:531-532, 1989. 51. M. Shohat. D.L. Rimoin. Skeletal dysplasia. (Chapter 9). In: Pediatric Endocrinology, 2nd ed. F. Lifshitz, Marcel Dekker Inc NY, 1989. pp. 147-171. 52. M. Shohat. Brachyolmia: Maroteaux type. In: Birth Defect Encyclopedia. Ed. Mary Lou Buyse, BDIS, Dover, MA, 1989. 53. M. Shohat. Brachyolmia: Dominant type. In: Birth Defect Encyclopedia. Ed. Mary Lou Buyse, BDIS, Dover, MA, 1989. 54. M. Shohat. Foot, vertical talus. In: Birth Defect Encyclopedia. Ed. Mary Lou Buyse, BDIS, Dover, MA, 1989. 55. M. Shohat, G. Levy, I. Levy, J. Schoenfeld, P. Merlob. Transient tachypnea of the newborn and asthma.* Arch Dis Child 64(2):277-279, 1989. *Selected to Pediatrics; 100 of the best articles relevant to pediatric allergy and immunology. Pediatrics 1990, supp.p.921. 56. M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi. Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, Third and updated edition, 1990, pp. 1-954. 57. M. Shohat, T. Shohat, J.I. Rotter, M. Schlezinger, G. Petersen, T. Pribyle, G. Sack, A.D. Schwabe, J.R. Korenberg. Serum amyloid A and B protein in familial Mediterranean fever. Genomics 8:83-89, 1990. 58. T. Lerman-Sagie, M. Shohat, M. Nitzan. Cerebrospinal fluid protein values in febrile neonates and infants. International Pediatrics 5(4):46-52, 1990. 59. A. Garber, M. Shohat, D. Sarti. Megacystic-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome in two male siblings. Prenatal Diagnosis 10(6);377-387, 1990. 60. T. Shohat, M. Shohat, G.M. Peterson , R. Sparkes, D. Langerfield, J. Bickal, J.R. Korenberg, A. Schwabe, and J.I. Rotter. Genetic marker family studies in familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) in Armenians. Clinical Genetics 38:332-339, 1990. 61. M. Shohat, H.E. Gruber, R.A. Pagon, L.J. Witcoff, R. Lachman, D. Ferry, D.L. Rimoin. Geleophysic dysplasia: acrofacial syndrome with evidence for storage in skin, bone, liver, heart and trachea. J Pediatr 117:227-232, 1990. 62. T. Shohat, M. Shohat, D.B. Tyan, S.J. Wang, R.S. Sparks, A.D. Schwabe, J.I. Rotter. Familial Mediterranean fever – linkage studies with genetic markers on chromosome 6. Tissue Antigens 35;103-107, 1990. 63. M. Shohat, T. Shohat, D.L. Rimoin, T. Mohandas, J. Heckenlively, R.E. Magenis, M.B. Davidson, J.R. Korenberg. Rearrangement of chromosome 15 in the region q11.2-q12 in an individual with obesity syndrome and her normal mother. Am J Med Genet 37;173-177, 1990. 64. R. Eliashar, C. Pe’er, M. Shohat. Advances in genetics of retinoblastoma. Harefuah 118:647-650, 1990. 65. M. Shohat. The skeletal dysplasias. In: Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), edited by M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi, Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, pp. 858-881, 1990. 66. M. Shohat. Genetic diseases. In: Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), edited by M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi, Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, pp. 82-102, 1990. 67. M. Shohat. Inborn errors of metabolism. In: Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), edited by M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi, Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, pp. 141-185, 1990. 68. M. Shohat, V. Herman, S. Melmed, N. Neufeld, R. Schreck, S. Pulst, J.M. Graham, D.L. Rimoin, J.R. Korenberg. Deletion of 20p 11.23-pter with normal growth-hormone releasing hormone genes. Am J Med Genet 39;56-63, 1991. 69. G. Barkai, R. Chaki, M. Shohat, B. Goldman. Human chorionic gonadotrophin and trisomy 18. Am J Hum Genet 41;52-53, 1991. 70. M. Shohat, D.L. Rimoin, H. Gruber, R. Lachman. Perinatal lethal hypophosphatasia: Clinical, radiologic and morphologic findings. Pediatr Radiol 21;421-427, 1991. 71. D.L. Rimoin, M. Shohat. The chondrodysplasias – recognition and diagnosis. The Endocrinologist 1(4);240-248, 1991 72. M. Shohat, D.L. Rimoin, H. Gruber, R. Lachman. Geleophisic Dysplasia: Eine Speicherkrankheit der Hout, der knochen, der leber, des herzens und der trachea. Extracta Paediatria 15(3);16-17, 1991. 73. L. Jaber, P. Merlob, X. Bu, J.I. Rotter, M. Shohat. Marked parental consanguinity as a cause for increased major congenital malformation in the Israeli Arab community. Am J Med Genet 44;1-6, 1992. 74. S. Nakar, A. Ingber, I. Kremer, E. Hodak, B Garty, E. Ben-David, M. David, M. Shohat. Late onset localized junctional Epidermolysis bullosa and mental retardation. A distinct autosomal recessive syndrome. Am J Med Genet 43;776-779, 1992. 75. M. Shohat, Y. Sivan, E. Taub, S. Davidson. Brief clinical report: Autosomal dominant congenital laryngomalacia. Am J Med Genet 42;813-814, 1992. 76. M. Shohat, B.J. Schmidt, R.S. Lachman, C.S. Houston, D.L Rimoin. The Schmidt-Sutcliffe spectrum of spondylometaphyseal dysplasia heterogeneity or variability? Am J Med Genet 42;50-55, 1992. 77. L. Jaber, M. Shohat, X. Bu, N. Fischel-Ghodsian, H.Y. Yang, S.J. Wang, J.I. Rotter. Sensorineural deafness inherited as a tissue specific disorder. J Med Genet 29;86-90, 1992. 78. X. Bu, H.Y. Yang M. Shohat, J.I. Rotter. Two-Locus mitochondrial and nuclear gene models for mitochondrial disorders. Genetic Epidemiology 9;27-44, 1992. 79. M. Shohat, Y.L. Danon, J.I. Rotter. Familial Mediterranean fever: analysis of inheritance and current linkage data. Am J Med Genet 44;183-188, 1992. 80. M. Shohat, A. Livneh, D. Zemer, M. Pras, E. Zohar. Twin study in familial Mediterranean fever. Am J Med Genet 44;179-182, 1992. 81. T.R Prezant, M. Shohat, S. Pressman, N. Fischel-Ghodsian. Biochemical characterization of a pedigree with mitochondrially inherited deafness. Am J Med Genet 44;465-472, 1992. 82. P. Merlob, M. Shohat. Phenotypic expression of the first liveborn 68,XX triploid newborn. Clinical Genetics 28;886-887, 1992. 83. B. Shohat, B. Sredni, M. Shohat, J. Factor, G Barkai, D Harell, L. Kozenitzky. IL-2 receptor and IL-2 production in human amniotic fluid of normal and abnormal pregnancies. Biology of the Neonate 63;281-284, 1992. 84. C. Johnson, T. Shohat, M. Schlezinger, M. Shohat. Further mapping of the gene causing properdin deficiency to the Xp11.3-p21.1. Life Sci Adv 11;235-237, 1992. 85. M. Shohat, X. Bu, T. Shohat, N. Fischel-Ghodsian, N. Magal, Y. Nakamura, A.D. Schwabe, M. Schlezinger, Y.Danon, J.I. Rotter. The gene for familial Mediterranean fever in both Armenians and non-Ashkenazi Jews is linked to the Alpha-globin complex on 16p. Evidence for genetic homogeneity. Am J Hum Genet 51;1349-1354, 1992. 86. M. Shohat, E. Flaum, S. Cobb, R. Lachman, C. Rubin, C. Ash, D. Rimoin. Hearing loss and temporal bone structure in Achondroplasia. Am J Med Genet 45;548-551, 1993. 87. M. Shohat, R. Lachman, R. Carmi, J. Bar Ziv, D.L. Rimoin. A new form spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia (SEMD) in a Jewish family of Iraqi origin. Am J Med Genet 46;358-362, 1993. 88. X. Bu, M. Shohat, L. Jaber, J.I. Rotter. A form of sensorineural deafness is determined by mitochondrial and autosomal locus: evidence from segregation analysis. Genetic Epidemiology 10;3-15, 1993. 89. M. Shohat, R. Lachman, H. Gruber, D.L. Rimoin. New epiphyseal stippling syndrome with osteoclastic hyperplasia (Pacman syndrome). Am J Med Genet 45;558-561, 1993. 90. T. Prezant, J. Agapian, C. Bohlman, X. Bu, S. Oztas, W. Qiu, K. Arnos, G. Cortopassi, L. Jaber, J. Rotter, M. Shohat, N. Fischel-Ghodsian. Mitochondrial ribosomal RNA mutation associated with both antibiotic induced and non-syndromic deafness. Nature Genetics 4;289-294, 1993. 91. R. Sheffer, M. Shohat, P. Merlob. Prolonged maternal diet imbalance and recurrent fetuses with congenital anomalies. Am J Med Genet 45;398-399, 1993. 92. M. Shohat, P. Merlob. Prenatal diagnosis – update. Harefuah 126;74-77, 1993. 93. A. Shuper, M. Shohat. The genetics of Epilepsy – Significant advances in a complex problem. Harefuah 124;506-508, 1993. 94. M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, Fourth edition, updated, pp 1-1077, 1994. 95. N. Fischel-Ghodsian, X. Bu, T. Prezant, S. Oeztas, Z. Huang, C. Bohlman, J.I. Rotter, M. Shohat. Regional mapping of the gene for familial Mediterranean fever on human chromosome 16p13. Am J Med Genet 46;689-693, 1994. 96. L. Jaber, J. Bailey-Wilson, M. Haj-Yehia, J. Hernandez, M. Shohat. Consanguineous matings in the Israeli Arab community. Arch Pediat Adolesc Med 148;412-415, 1994. 97. M. Shohat, R. Lachman, H. Gruber, E, Hsia, M. Golbus, D. Witt, C. Bryke, A. Hogge, D. L. Rimoin. Desbuqois syndrome: Clinical, radiographic and morphologic characterization. Am J Med Genet 52;9-18,1994. 98. A. Brener-Ullman, H. Melzer-Ofir, M. Daniels, M. Shohat. Possible protection against Asthma in heterozygotes for familial Mediterranean fever. Am J Med Genet 53;174-175, 1994. 99. S. Ash, C. Johnson, M. Shohat, T. Shohat, M. Schlezinger. Further mapping of the properdin deficiency gene in a Tunisian Jewish family – Evidence for genetic homogeneity. Isr J Med Sci 30:626-628, 1994. 100. B. Davidov, B. Goldman, E. Akstein, G. Barkai, C. Legum, H. Dar, Y. Romem, A. Amiel, H. Cohen, G. Bach, Z. Appelman, M. Shohat. Prenatal testing for Down syndrome prevention in the Jewish and non-Jewish Israeli population. Isr J Med Sci 30:629-633,1994. 101. A. Achiron, N. Magal, N. Shem-Tov, M. Shohat, N. Gadoth. Myotonic dystrophy gene analysis in affected Israeli families. Isr J Med Sci 30:622-625,1994. 102. B. Stark, M. Jeison, M. Shohat, Y. Goshen, R. Vogel, I. Cohen, I. Yaniv, C. Kaplinsky, R. Zaizov. Involvement of 11p15 and 3q21q26 in therapy-related myeloid leukemia (t-ML) in children. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 75:11-22, 1994. 103. Z. Appelman, M. Manor, N. Magal, B. Caspi, M. Shohat, I. Blickstein. Prenatal diagnosis of twin zygosity by DNA fingerprint analysis. Prenatal Diagnosis 14;307-309, 1994. 104. L. Jaber, P. Merlob, M. Shohat. High incidence of central nervous system malformations associated with marked parental consanguinity in an Israeli Arab community. Biomed and Pharmacother 48;1-4, 1994. 105. S. Ikeda, P. Wakem, A. Haake, R. Polakoska, Y. Sarret, A. Tratner, M. David, M. Shohat, W.T. Schroeder, E. Epstein. Localization of the gene causing Darier's disease to a 5-cM interval on chromosome 12q. J Invest Dermatol 103;478-481, 1994. 106. N. Shem-Tov, M. Shohat. The dynamic mutations in human diseases. Harefuah 127;268-273, 1994. 107. J.I. Rotter, M. Shohat. Genetics in gastroenterology, in Principles and Practices of Gastroenterology, edited by W.N. Kelley. J.P. Lippincott, Philadelphia, p.1039-1060, 1994. 108. M. Shohat. The skeletal dysplasias. In: Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), edited by M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi, Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, pp. 974-999, 1994. 109. M. Shohat. Genetic diseases. In: Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), edited by M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi, Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, pp. 90-122, 1994. 110. M. Shohat. Inborn errors of metabolism. In: Pediatrics (Part A,B) (Textbook), edited by M. Shohat, S. Ashkenazi, Dionon, Tel Aviv Univ, pp. 172-221, 1994. 111. M. Shohat, C. Legum, Y. Romem, Z. Borochowitz, G. Bach, B. Goldman. Down syndrome prevention program in a population with an older maternal age. Obstet Gynecol 85;368-373, 1995. 112. L. Jaber, R. Weitz, X. Bu, N. Fischel-Ghodsian, J. Rotter, M. Shohat. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita in an Arab kindred. Am J Med Genet 55:331-334, 1995. 113. M. Daniels, T. Shohat, A. Brener-Ullman, M. Shohat. Familial Mediterranean fever: High gene frequency among the Non-Ashkenazic and Ashkenazic Jewish population in Israel. Am J Med Genet 55;311-314, 1995. 114. M. Shohat, E. Akstein, G. Barkai, B. Davidov, C. Legum, Z. Borochowitz, Romem, A. Amiel, H. Cohen, G. Bach, R. Sheffer, Z. Appelman, J. Chemke, P. Tzadka, B. Goldman. Amniocentesis rate and detection of Down syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies in Israel. Prenatal Diagnosis 15;967-970, 1995. 115. G.J. Halpern, E. Stupel, G. Barkai, R. Chaki, C. Legum, M. Feigin, M. Shohat. Solar activity cycle and the incidence of fetal chromosome abnormalities detected at prenatal diagnosis. International J Biometeorology 39;64-68, 1995. 116. M. Shohat, N. Fischel-Ghodsian, J.I. Rotter, Y.L. Danon. The gene for familial Mediterranean fever is mapped to 16p13.3-p13.1 with evidence for homogeneity. Adv in Mucosal Immunology 371;901-903, 1995. 117. M. Druce, I. Cohen, N. Naor, M. Shohat. Late diagnosis of Down syndrome due to incorrect cytogenetic diagnosis and extreme prematurity. Clinical Genetics 48;192-194, 1995. 118. A. Ballin, M. Shohat, D. Meytes. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a unique translocation in an adolescent boy. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 83:1;90-2, 1995. 119. I. Ivanov, A. Shuper, M. Shohat, M. Snir, R. Weitz. Aniridia – recent achievements in paediatric practice. Eur J Paediatr 154;795-800, 1995. 120. N. Levi, Y. Shen, A. Kupelian, L. Kruglyak, I. Aksentijevich, E. Pras, J.E. Balow, B. Linzer, X. Bu, D.A. Shelton, D. Gumucio, M. Pras, M. Shohat, J.I. Rotter, N. Fischel- Ghodsian, R.I. Richards, D.I. Kastner. Linkage disequilibrium mapping places the gene causing familial Mediterranean fever close to D16S246. Am J Hum Genet 58;523-534, 1996. 121. M. Mimouni, A. Mimouni-Bloch, J. Schachter, M. Shohat. Familial hypothyroidism with autosomal dominant inheritance. Arch Dis Child 75;245-246, 1996. 122. I. Braverman, L. Jaber, H. Levi, C. Adelman, K.S. Arnos, N. Fischel-Ghodsian, M. Shohat, J. Elidan. Audio-vestibular findings in patients with deafness caused by mitochondrial susceptibility mutation and precipitated by an inherited nuclear mutation or aminoglycosides. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 122;1001-1104, 1996. 123. M. Shohat, D. Tick, S. Barakat, X. Bu, S. Melmed, D.L. Rimoin. Short-term recombinant human growth hormone treatment increases growth rate in achondroplasia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81;4033-4037, 1996. 124. L. Jaber, M. Shohat, G. Halpern. Demographic characteristics of the Israeli Arab community in connection with consanguinity. Isr J Med Sci 32;1286-1289, 1996. 125. G.J. Halpern, M. Shohat, P. Merlob. Partial trisomy 10q: Further delineation of the clinical manifestations involving the segment 10q23-10q24. Ann Genet 39;181-183, 1996. 126. M. Shohat. D.L. Rimoin, Skeletal dysplasia. (Chapter 10). In: Pediatric Endocrinology, 3rd ed. F. Lifshitz (Ed): Marcel Dekker Inc NY, pp. 131-147, 1996. 127. L. Sharabani-Gargir, M. Shohat. The muscular dystrophies. Pediatric Update 16;15-17, 1996. 128. L. Sharabani-Gargir, M. Shohat. Clinical application of molecular genetics. Pediatric Update 14;9-17, 1996. 129. C. Sher, L. Sharabani-Gargir, M. Shohat. 185delAG mutation in the BRCA1 gene in Iraqi Jews. New Eng J Med 331;1199, 1996. 130. D. Inbar, G. Halpern, R. Weitz, M. Sadeh, M.Shohat. Agenesis of the corpus callosum in a mother and son. Am J Med Genet 69;152-154, 1997. 131. R. Sood, T. Blake, I. Aksentijevich, G. Wood, X. Chen, D. Gardner, D.A. Shelton, M. Mangelsdorf, A. Orsborn, A. Pras, J.E. Balow, M. Centola, Z. Deng, N. Zaks, X. Chen, N. Richards, N. Fischel-Ghodsian, J.I. Rotter, M. Pras, M. Shohat, L.L. Deaven, D. Gumucio, D.F. Callen, R.I. Richards, F.S. Collins, P.P. Liu, D.L. Kastner, N.A. Doggett. Construction of a 1-Mb restriction mapped cosmid contig containing the candidate region for the familial Mediterranean fever locus (MEFV) on chromosome 16p13.3. Genomics 42;83-95, 1997. 132. E. Levi-Lahad, R. Catane, S. Eisenberg, B. Kaufman, G. Hornreich, E. Lishinsky, M. Shohat, B Weber, U. Beller, A. Lahad, D. Halle. Founder BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in Ashkenazi Jews in Israel: Frequency and differential penetrance in ovarian cancer and in breast-ovarian cancer families. Am J Hum Genet 60;1059-1067, 1997. 133. L. Jaber, X. Bu, J.I. Rotter, M. Shohat. Consanguinity and common diseases in the Israeli Arab community. Am J Med Genet 70;346-348,1997. 134. L.E. Warner, M. Shohat, Z. Shorer, J.R. Lupski. Multiple de-novo MPZ (P0) point mutations in a sporadic Dejarine-Sottas case. Human Mutation 10:21-24, 1997. 135. R. Mor-Cohen, N. Magal, N. Gadoth, M. Shohat. 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